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A shoreline in the Dominican Republic, 固体废物管理挑战对沿海生态系统的影响

Climate Change Business Journal (CCBJ) and Environmental Business Journal (EBJ) 在圣地亚哥举行的环境产业峰会XX上,授予利乐全球最大体育平台六项商业成就奖, California, on March 16, 2022.

利乐全球最大体育平台因支持气候适应能力的项目工作而获奖, greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, clean water, and innovation in buildings acoustics technology. EBJ 也肯定了我们的多元化和包容性努力以及业务成就.

Building a thriving business and workforce

Tetra Tech received the EBJ Business Achievement Award for Large Firms 基于利用我们的专有技术和解决方案的战略,实现创纪录的财务业绩, referred to collectively as the Tetra Tech Delta在七大洲的100多个国家完成了7万多个项目. In 2021 Tetra Tech also strengthened its industry leadership with five acquisitions of high-end consulting and technology firms that enhance our global technical capabilities in digital water; sustainable design innovation for high performance buildings; high-end expertise in computational fluid dynamics and predictive modeling; and management consulting capabilities for international development clients.

EBJ 认可利乐全球最大体育平台在公司成立之初为吸引和提升公司各级代表不足的员工和高管所做的努力 Diversity & Inclusion Award. 利乐全球最大体育平台的创新和行业领先地位是由最优秀的工程师推动的, technical specialists, and support staff from diverse backgrounds. Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Program 包括全球员工资源小组(ERGs),为专业和领导力发展提供平台, engagement, 以及吸纳行业中传统上代表性不足的群体的员工. 与2020年相比,2021年利乐全球最大体育平台ERG计划的员工参与度增加了47%. Last year our ERGs launched several new initiatives including enhanced mentoring programs; targeted sessions of Tetra Tech’s Fearless Entrepreneurs business development initiative; presentations focused on mental health during the pandemic, and allyship programming.

Supporting climate resilience and adaptation

CCBJ 表彰利乐全球最大体育平台公司在科学基础上的持续工作, 以技术为导向的解决方案,帮助客户应对气候变化带来的复杂挑战.

We received a Project Merit Award for GHG Mitigation for our work with the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Truck Program (CTP) at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. 我们的团队与港口合作,以取代旧的, dirtier trucks with newer, more efficient vehicles. 到目前为止,CTP已经实现了近2%的减少.3 million metric tons CO2e. 我们的团队帮助开发和管理港口拖运卡车注册, managing registration and concession programs, supporting truck compliance inspection, and providing program data analytics. 利乐全球最大体育平台将继续支持港口评估先进卡车技术的可行性,以实现到2035年仅部署近零排放和零排放卡车的目标.

CCBJ also selected Tetra Tech for a Consulting & Engineering Award in Climate Change Adaptation & Resilience for our work in partnership with the U.S. 国际开发署(USAID)的目标是全球塑料, directly at source, and mitigating their impact on climate and health. Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO)是美国国际开发署抗击海洋塑料污染的旗舰项目. The program leverages technical expertise, paired with global grants, 测试和推广以地方为主导的解决方案,帮助城市减少与废物有关的温室气体排放,并调整系统以增强弹性. As of 2021, CCBO aggregated nearly 250,000 metric tons of waste and recyclables, 包括转移30多公吨的塑料和其他低价值废物. CCBO has improved the lives of more than 845,由于垃圾填埋场修复活动和更好的废物处理服务,空气和水质得到改善,000全球最大体育平台受益.

Providing clean, safe water supplies

EBJ selected Tetra Tech for a Project Merit Award in PFAS Treatment 为奥兰治县水区全球最大体育平台处理设施. 利乐全球最大体育平台支持OCWD开发单氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)处理系统,以净化地下水,达到加州饮用水建议标准. 我们的全球最大体育平台和技术支持服务帮助OCWD公司达到了加州对两种PFAS化合物的咨询响应水平,并恢复了之前停产的12口生产井的饮用水供应. 我们的工作包括全球最大体育平台美国最大的处理PFAS的离子交换工厂,这是同类设施中第一个由11个离子交换系统组成的处理设施, a 25-million gallon-per-day booster pump station, and an upgraded onsite chlorine generation system.

Applying technology innovation in acoustics

The Tetra Tech High Performance Buildings Group received an EBJ Technology Merit Award for Acoustics Engineering 使用全球最大体育平台工智能技术协助声学工程. 在2021年,利乐全球最大体育平台声学和软件工程师开发 AiHear®, 这是一款iOS应用程序,可以根据各种物理参数和声音类型(如移动脚步声)的输入来预测和模拟空间的声音, road traffic, moving aircraft and stationary sources. 该软件播放精确的音频样本,通过校准高质量的耳机在指定的分贝水平, 在便携式智能手机或平板电脑上显示虚拟或增强现实图形,以匹配用户输入的任何物理参数. 这允许所有利益相关者预览声学环境,并根据他们的项目需求做出反应, 通过其预测能力,减少施工过程中潜在的返工,为客户提供潜在的成本节约.

Learn more about the CCBJ Business Achievement Awards and EBJ Business Achievement Awards.

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